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Texas Mask Mandate Ends, Effective March 10 – Are Texans Truly Free?

Last updated on March 8, 2021

There is something about putting on a mask that makes it hard for some people to agree to it. On March 3, 2021, I went shopping at Walmart. That was a day after Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order (GA-34) lifting the Texas mask mandate (effective March 10, 2021). Two middle-aged African-American women walked into the store yelling, and I quote, “We are free!”. And I asked myself, are we free?

Mask mandate or not, wearing a mask does not infringe on your freedom
A mask does not infringe on your freedom

As we all know, the coronavirus still exists. And even worse, the virus is mutating. I was slightly surprised by the reaction from these two women. Mostly because I have read reports stating that persons of color (82% of Asian Americans, 71% of Latinos, and 74% of African Americans) are more likely to mask-up than 66% of whites. 

It is not all about race, of course. According to a Gallup report, political party affiliation plays a considerable role. 61% of Democrats are more likely to wear a mask compared to 24% of Republicans. Also, women (54%) and older adults (47%) are more inclined to use face-covering outside their home when compared to men and younger adults.

But then, it is not just about gender, age, race, or political affiliation. Something about some people seems to make it challenging to want to wear a mask.

The Mask Mandate

Masks have become an overly divisive issue during the COVID-19 outbreak. Some people think it is a violation of their freedom because it is mandated. Some people think it is uncomfortable, and some do not think they work. But first of all, what do mandates mean?

A mandate is a directive made by a Governor. The power is given to them by the legislature in a state of emergency

Joee Taylor, 2020

Lifting the mask mandate could be the right move for Texas Governor Greg Abbott. This strategy involves the use of reverse psychology. Therefore, I commend him.

Reverse psychology is the principle or practice of subtly encouraging a behavior or belief by advocating the opposite.

Oxford Languages

And when it comes to the issue of freedom, this is a state of mind. We have the option of feeling free in any situation. It is always up to us to be free. And regardless of how uncomfortable they are to wear, you can breathe through a mask.

Often, I have forgotten to have my mask when I go to the store, the mall, or even picking up my child from school – places where the mask mandate is effective. Those times, I felt naked when I realized I did not have my mask on. Wearing a face covering is a learned behavior, just like wearing a safety belt while driving. It takes some getting used to doing.

Masking alone may not be 100% effective against preventing infectious respiratory diseases like the coronavirus. But it gives some level of protection. And it also makes you a part of the solution in controlling the spread of COVID-19.

Texas Mask Mandate in texas is not coronavirus free
Does the end of the mask mandate mean that Texans are immune to the coronavirus?

We continue to be encouraged by leading public health officials to protect ourselves and others against the coronavirus by wearing a mask with or without a mask mandate. Some feel constrained by the requirement to wear a mask. That ought not to be the case.

I have to admit that wearing a mask can be uncomfortable, but to stop the spread of COVID-19, it is something we need to do collectively. I have seen a lot more mask resistance in news coverage than in grocery stores and on the street. Nevertheless, world leaders, including President Biden, want us to protect ourselves and the public. On January 20, 2021, President Biden issued a Federal Workforce Protection Executive Order – Mask Mandate.

Beyond the Mask Mandate

I wear my mask, but it’s not because I am perfect. It is just that I am terrified. I fear the virus and breaking the rules. Raised in Africa, I know what it feels like to get my ears pulled if I challenged authority at home, let alone risk others’ death in the community. I am currently not in Africa. However, wearing a mask is a little price to pay if one of my relatives showed up at my door.

So, this is where I conclude with a solution after diagnosing the problem of freedom as it relates to masking mandates. The answer is simple: follow the CDC’s recommendations for wearing masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mask mandate or not, the CDC recommendations on wearing a mask
Mask mandate or not, the CDC recommends wearing a mask covering the nose and mouth. It should fit snugly against the side of your face

Dual mask for COVID-19, if recommended. Wearing face-covering does not confine you. And above all, you can breathe and speak freely with a cover over your mouth and nose.

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  1. Ehi Ehi

    I personally think it’s a smart plan for everyone, including Texans to keep their mask on for now. The world is still trying to manage the pandemic.

    • Ify Albert Ify Albert Post author

      Ehi, I absolutely agree. Hopefully, Texans and other states that have opened up do what makes sense. #commonsense

  2. Uche Uche

    I totally agree to the wearing of mask. It’s safe for everyone. Thanks, Ify for this good and encouraging post.

    • Ify Albert Ify Albert Post author

      🙏🏽Thank you! Good and encouraging posts are what EDIT Public Health stands for.

  3. Mary Udeh Mary Udeh

    I’ve always believed that masks protect us. Still find it difficult to understand the protest against it. Thanks for the post

  4. Babs Babs

    The clarity with which you express your views is most refreshing.

  5. augustine augustine

    Mask wearing at a time like this should be a no-brainer. Sadly, there are more pseudoscientists than the likes of Dr. Fauci in the great state of Texas 😔

  6. Olu Olu

    Yes you are right, it feel a little safe, wearing a mask even though it doesn’t totally control the spread of the virus, but it sure does work a little way. Thanks for the post.

    • Ify Albert Ify Albert Post author

      Olu, thank you! for your feedback. We at the Public Health Edit most appreciate it.

  7. Lawunmi Lawunmi

    Thanks for this post Ify. I don’t agree to taking masks off until everyone is fully vaccinated and we all are sure no one is being infected again

  8. Ogo Ogo

    The only thing that makes sense is to wear masks in public until most people are vaccinated

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