Last updated on April 14, 2022
Did you know oral health is a vital indicator of your overall well-being? Yes, you heard it right. Besides keeping your body in good shape, you must also maintain good oral hygiene. Having good dental hygiene enhances your self-esteem and encourages you to make good social interactions.
According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer report, “Cancers related to the oral cavity and lip are among the top 15 most common cancers worldwide, with nearly 180,000 deaths each year”. Studies have shown that oral health is also associated with several health issues like diabetes, heart problems, stomach ulcers, kidney diseases, and obesity. Having poor oral health leads to problems like bad breath, dry mouth, bleeding in gums, jaw pain, and in some cases, it might even lead to throat cancer.
One of the common issues related to oral hygiene is bad breath. This dental problem arises due to poor hygiene. If you fail to clean your teeth and mouth regularly, food particles remain in your mouth and lead to a buildup of bacteria on your teeth. To avoid dental problems like this, here are four things you should know for a healthy mouth.
1. The Easiest Way to Get Rid of Bad Breath
- Stay away from foods like garlic and onion.
- Try to chew on sugar-free gum.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Use a good quality mouthwash.
- Make sure to use a tongue cleaner.
2. Tips for Maintaining Good Oral Health
- Brush your teeth twice a day: Most of us tend to ignore this. Experts recommend brushing twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Brushing removes the buildup of bacteria and plaque. Move your brush in a circular motion or horizontal strokes on each tooth. It is best to avoid too much pressure as it may damage your gums and teeth.
- Use a good mouthwash: Using a mouthwash prescribed by your dentist is a good practice to keep your teeth clean.
- Flossing is vital: Many of us tend to forget this step. Along with brushing twice a day, you must also floss regularly. Flossing is much more effective than brushing as it reaches and removes bacteria in the hidden areas.
Along with practicing good oral hygiene, you must consume healthy food. Not just your body but even your teeth and gums need well-balanced nutritious food. The food you consume aids in tissue renewal. It also fights against oral diseases and infections.
3. Best and Worst Foods for Oral Health
It would be best if you increase the intake of foods like:
- Green leafy vegetables produce good bacteria.
- Foods rich in Vitamin C like broccoli, strawberries, kiwi, Brussels sprouts are extremely good for oral health. They strengthen the connective tissue and blood vessels in the mouth.
- Foods high in Calcium and Vitamin D. Calcium-rich foods are spinach, dairy products, sardines, beans, almonds. On the other hand, foods that contain a high level of Vitamin D include egg yolks, cheese, beef liver, salmon, and tuna.
- Crunchy foods like carrots, apples, and celery are also healthy for your teeth. They keep your teeth strong and increase the production of saliva.
It would be best if you reduced the intake of foods like:
- Beverages with a high level of acid content erode your enamel.
- Sticky foods – Can lead to tooth decay and cavities.
- Starchy foods like pasta, potatoes are also a leading cause of cavities.
- Limit the intake of tea and coffee, as they stain your teeth.
Limit the intake of dried fruits. Dried fruits are a healthy snack, but they are sticky. Dried fruits like apricots, figs, raisins, and prunes stick in the teeth, leaving unwanted sugars. It’s always best to eat the fresh version.
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Good and informative stuff.
Thank you!