Last updated on April 14, 2022
Numerous factors contribute to a person experiencing anxiety, and for many people, the inability to calm anxiety has become a debilitating condition. Hormonal imbalance, stress, excessive intake of alcohol, thyroid problem, financial pressures, high sugar, family history of mental disorders, and traumatic experiences are common triggers of anxiety. Over the past few months, the pandemic has further exacerbated anxiety and stress.
Common anxiety symptoms include gastrointestinal problems, hyperventilation, sweating, trembling, weakness, trouble sleeping, increased heart rate, panic attack, fear of dying, chest pain, and palpitations. Fortunately, several home remedies help alleviate anxiety. Unlike over-the-counter medications, there are simple and safe tips to calm anxiety.

How To Calm Anxiety Naturally
- Drink chamomile tea: Drinking a cup of chamomile tea is an excellent way to combat anxiety. According to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, chamomile supplements given to patients with an anxiety disorder for eight weeks had a drastic decrease in symptoms compared to patients on placebo. Take dried chamomile, steep them in a cup of hot water and leave it for about 3 minutes. Strain the leaves, add honey and cinnamon.
- Practice meditation: One of the best ways to find relief from anxiety is by indulging in mediation and yoga daily. Meditation keeps your mind free of thoughts and reduces stress and anxiety. Before you start meditating, surround yourself in a peaceful environment to calm anxiety.
- Excercise: Along with meditation, you must cultivate a habit of workout at least 30 minutes every day. Exercise is another way to reduce anxiety. When your body is working out, it releases endorphins, which trigger a positive feeling in the body.
- Increase intake og Omega-3 fatty acids: According to some studies, Omega-3 fatty acids help ease anxiety and stress. If you suffer from anxiety, consume foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids like Brussel sprouts, salmon, shellfish, chia seeds, avocado, tofu, walnuts, eggs, and spinach.
- Sleep well: Along with eating a well-balanced diet, you must rest your body—one of the common symptoms of anxiety or insomnia. A healthy sleeping pattern is vital for longevity, and it helps with stress and anxiety. Sleep replenishes your body’s neurons and also increases the production of protein. Protein aids in the growth and repair of damaged cells due to stress and anxiety.
- Avoid excess caffeine and alchohol: If you struggle with anxiety, you must re-evaluate your caffeine habits. While consuming beverages containing caffeine have shown to provide energy, at the same time, excess caffeine is one of the leading causes of anxiety.
- Basil tea: Basil is a traditional and effective ingredient to treat anxiety. It has anti-stress substances that help ease stress and anxiety. You either munch on a few basils leaves or make a fresh cup of tea by boiling leaves in hot water to calm anxiety.
- Water therapy: Bathing in hot water has a calming effect and provides relief from anxiety. While taking a bath, five drops of any aromatherapy oils, add ⅓ cup of baking soda, ginger, and an ounce of jojoba oil. Good aromatherapy oils include bergamot oil, lavender, rose, and ylang-ylang.
- Valerian root: Valerian root is a herb widely found in Europe and parts of Asia. It treats anxiety and sleep disorders. Valerian root may act as a sedative on the brain plus the nervous system and then subsequently calm anxiety. It is advised not to take valerian root for more than a month without a doctor’s consent. You can consume it as a tea—mix two grams of dried valerian root in a cup of hot water to calm anxiety.
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Nice information, very good write-up.