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5 Simple Steps to Kickstart a Healthy Lifestyle – Dr. Izie

Last updated on March 31, 2021

We all want a longer, more healthy life. As a Lifestyle Medicine Specialist and Founder of doctorizie, Dr. Izie has had many opportunities to counsel thousands of patients on healthy choices. That includes what you should eat, when, how, and why you should eat the food you eat.

Nevertheless, her appreciation for the power of lifestyle change as a therapeutic approach has inspired her to start a lifestyle community called lifestyle modification with doctorizie. Her work is grounded in her fundamental values of love, compassion, and empowerment.

The program aims to raise awareness of the link between lifestyle and chronic diseases. Dr. Izie hopes to accomplish this by encouraging people to take their health seriously. Also, to teach them how to manage their health by giving them the knowledge they need to make effective decisions.

Lifestyle Change & Public Health

Public health is about preventing disease and keeping people healthy worldwide. Lifestyle is a crucial aspect of achieving this objective. Interventions focus on nutrition, physical activity, sleep, mental health, social support, and environmental health. At the Public Health EDIT, we are committed to providing everyone with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to take charge of their life through behavioral interventions.

As an expert on lifestyle medicine, Dr. Izie uses an evidence-based therapeutic approach to prevent, treat and reverse chronic illness. She spoke with the Public Health Edit on its mission to change the human mindset and reduce the need for harmful drugs.

Healthy lifestyle no drugs
Following a healthy lifestyle can keep you from taking a lifetime of drugs.

The interview was revised to ensure that it is clear and not lengthy.

What is a lifestyle approach to preventing and managing diseases?

Lifestyle medicine uses evidence-based methods of healing. That includes whole foods (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.), plant-based eating habits, regular physical activity, restorative sleep, and positive social bonds – as the primary means. That helps prevent, cure, and often reverse chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, sleeplessness, substance abuse, obesity, stroke, and stress.

What led you to look into lifestyle medicine?

It has always interested me looking back now. Back at university, I ran at 6 am with a group of people, but I had no understanding of mindful eating. After becoming a physician, I realized that I loved talking to patients about managing their lifestyles effectively. Then, I got involved in my personal life. The results and effects were mind-blowing. I knew this was how I wanted to make a difference.

Then it’s personal, why is it so personal to you?

My dad had a challenging time managing his high blood pressure, diabetes, and weight. Being able to help him with his lifestyle was rewarding. I am a shift worker. That makes me susceptible to chronic diseases. Looking after my overall health is pivotal to me. Lastly, the benefits of looking and feeling good when you eat, sleep and exercise well have raised my confidence in all areas of my life.

What are the objectives of your program?

  1. Empower people to make better choices regarding their health.
  2. Encourage people to unlearn old habits that don’t work for them and learn new ones.
  3. Make them understand that lifestyle is a journey forever, but it begins by making the right choice today.

What results do you hope to achieve?

Self-sufficient individuals. They can make better choices for themselves and their families, thus reducing chronic diseases’ global burden.

You work with clients all over the world, right?

Yes. Although based in the U.K., I have clients from all over the world. From Africa, Europe and America. You can also join the community through the Facebook private group @ lifestyle modification with doctorizie. We are also on Instagram @ doctorizie.

Can you give us an example of what we should expect from the lifestyle community?

  1. Decide out a plan which will last for you
  2. Start small, changing one behavior at a time
  3. Connect socially within the process
  4. Professional help
  5. Community, accountability, and compassion on your journey to success

Lastly, what are the five simple steps for beginning a healthy lifestyle?

Video: Learn more about intermittent fasting.

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The Public Health EDIT acknowledges the effort, work, contributions, and accomplishments of people to public health and beyond. Every quarter, we will spotlight a fantastic person adding value to population health. Know someone who should be featured? Please email us at [email protected].


  1. Ekene Ekene

    What a Kickstarter

  2. Augie Augie

    Thank you for another informative content. Self care is truly the key to good health.

    • Ify Albert Ify Albert Post author

      Thank you! Augy. This is the reason for the EDIT on public health. Always a pleasure😊

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